Sale of foreign currencies suspended in Russia until September 9

Between March 9 and September 9, 2022, “banks will not be able to sell foreign currency to citizens,” says a statement from the Central Bank of Russia.

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The sale of foreign currencies will be suspended in Russia until September 9, announced Wednesday, March 9, in a press release the Central Bank of the country, hit by unprecedented Western sanctions due to the Russian military intervention in Ukraine.

Between March 9 and September 9, 2022, “banks will not be able to sell foreign currency to citizens”the statement said, adding that Russians will however be able to exchange foreign currencies for rubles during this period. “at any time and in any amount”.

The withdrawal of cash from foreign currency accounts opened in Russian banks will also be limited to 10,000 US dollars until September 9, the rest can only be withdrawn in rubles according to the current exchange rate, according to the same source.

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