Sale of alcohol to minors: Lidl in court



Article written by

T. Cuny, E. Bonnasse, France 3 Aquitaine A. Lopez – France 3

France Televisions

The Lidl supermarket chain will have to appear in court after selling alcohol to a minor who later died.

A 16-year-old teenager, Kilian, died on a road last year after consuming alcohol he had bought from Lidl. The investigation focused on a receipt for the purchase of two bottles of vodka in a store of the German brand. The victim’s mother is filing a complaint against Lidl, because according to her, the two bottles were sold to the minor.We did not check his identity. In my son’s accident, alcohol is involved even if he is not fully responsible“, laments Coralie Larroquet, the teenager’s mother.

Raising awareness on the sale of alcohol to minors

The family’s lawyer wants this trial to raise awareness about the sale alcohol to minors.Maybe indeed some rules are forgotten“, explains Maître Antoine Tugas, the family lawyer. The seizure of surveillance cameras was not done quickly enough to see if it was the teenager who bought the alcohol. Lidl defends itself and reports that there is no proof of the sale.

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