Salah Abdeslam spoke for the last time, the verdict expected on Wednesday evening

Like all the defendants, the only member of the November 13 commandos still alive spoke on Monday morning. The magistrates of the Special Court of Assizes of Paris retired to deliberate.

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“I recognized that I was not perfect, I made mistakes it is true but I am not a murderer I am not a killer. And if you convict me of murder, you will commit an injustice. ” The words of Salah Abdeslam, Monday June 27, before the Special Assize Court of Paris. Like all defendants, the sOnly member of the November 13 commandos still alive spoke for the last time.

Nearly ten months after its opening, the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015, which killed 130 people in Paris and Saint-Denis, is coming to an end. The longest criminal hearing since the Second World War ends, as required by the code of criminal procedure, with the last words of the defendants.

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