Water can now be used and consumed normally in the Sainte-Dorothée district of Laval. Tests carried out Thursday evening confirmed a “return to normal” in the municipality’s water system.
This was indicated by the City of Laval in a brief press release. Earlier, in the afternoon, the administration had called for caution, maintaining that “the notice of non-use is now a notice of non-consumption” in the Sainte-Dorothée sector.
Residents were then invited to use water only “for hygiene purposes (bathing, showering, hand washing, etc.)”. “This precaution is necessary given the maneuvers carried out on the network in recent days, until more in-depth test results are obtained to confirm that the water can be consumed again,” it was explained.
The results of these more detailed tests finally arrived shortly after 8 p.m., confirming that the water from the aqueduct network can once again be consumed normally.
Please note: citizens are however asked to flush their pipes before reusing the water. Instructions to this effect are available on the municipality’s website.
It was a chemical used by firefighters that was at issue in this case. It has therefore now been eliminated in the municipal pipes of the aqueduct network.
For the past few days, the City has been treating this event as contamination by chemicals. “It is not a product that is toxic. It presents risks [pour la santé] very moderate. But we prefer to act preventively,” explained Laval’s head of public affairs, Philippe Déry.

The area that was affected by the water non-consumption advisory