Saint Mont Vignoble in celebration 25/26/27 March 2022

Marc Ducournau is the president of the cellars of the winegrowers of Saint Mont is very happy, the weather promises to be ideal for these 3 days of celebration. The 1000 hectares and its 120 winegrowers are waiting for us (vineyards of course) to help us discover this magnificent appellation in 3D.

Meetings, tastings, workshops with winegrowers and visits. In preview at Saint Mont opening of an experimental cellar. We visit the castles, in all the villages we eat everything is planned.

Throughout the territory of this appellation in Saint-Mont, Plaisance du Gers, Aignan, Lupiac and Marciac we put the small dishes in the big ones. For 3 days we celebrate the culture and history of the South West. To have the whole program it is here.

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