Saint-Michel | Two teenagers arrested suspected of shooting in library

Two teenagers suspected of having fired projectiles inside the Saint-Michel library last Sunday were arrested by the Montreal City Police Service (SPVM), we learned The Press.

According to our information, the two young people appeared in the Youth Court on Tuesday afternoon. The authorities do not rule out that these suspects are linked to street gangs.

The authorities went to the library located on rue François-Perrault, near rue Michel-Ange, on Sunday around 3 p.m. Shell casings were found in the bathroom.

Several people were inside the building during the event which caused no injuries.

The area of ​​Montreal where the shootings occurred last Sunday caused a lot of talk in 2021 during the outbreak of armed violence in the metropolis: Thomas Trudel, 16, was shot dead not far from there.

According to our criminal sources, there is an ongoing quarrel between JFP/Octogone (Joseph-François-Perreault sector in Saint-Michel) and STL/EGK (Saint-Léonard), two emerging street gangs. However, it is currently unknown whether the arrested suspects have a link to these two groups.

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