Saint-Michel | A septuagenarian accused of the first degree murder of his ex-partner

A septuagenarian was accused on Sunday of the first degree murder of his ex-partner, which occurred the day before in the Saint-Michel district of Montreal.

Brahim Naili, 71, appeared Sunday afternoon at the Montreal courthouse. He had handed himself in to the police the day before after killing his ex-partner, Naima Rezzek.

The fifty-year-old was found lifeless inside a home on rue Bélair, near 21e avenue. She was allegedly stabbed to death.

According to our information, the couple had been separated for several months. Brahim Naili remained detained until his next appearance in court in July.

A large security perimeter was still erected Sunday morning around the residence. Adrienne Desrosiers was gardening on her land when she heard screams coming from the apartment across the street.

“There was a woman crying outside. There was a lot of coming and going between the entrance and the floor,” she says.

The young mother did not know the residents of the accommodation, but she deplores the lack of places in homes for victims of domestic violence.

“There is no price for [une vie] », she lets slip, citing a project for a second-stage shelter for abused women initially deemed too expensive by the Minister responsible for Housing, France-Élaine Duranceau.

Naima Rezzek is number 14e woman murdered in Quebec since the beginning of the year.

On Wednesday, Amanda Caza, 34, was stabbed in her home in Ormstown in Montérégie. His father was charged with second-degree murder.

source site-60