Saint-Martin-Vésubie again in worry



Three years after storm Alex, the town of Saint-Martin-Vésubie is seeing the damage from storm Aline. Residents were evacuated on Thursday October 19.

After the passage of storm Aline in Saint-Martin-Vésubie (Alpes-Maritimes), anxiety continues with the question of housing. A resident was evacuated preventively on the evening of Thursday October 19 and cannot return home. “We find ourselves in the same situation as three years ago (…) We are still in a state of emergency, we must not forget that”regrets Carmen Perotti, resident of Saint-Martin-Vésubie.

Emergency rehousing

Faced with the water damage in the Vésubie, an emergency reception has been set up by the municipality to help residents. “We are going to rehouse people, some in the town hall as a matter of urgency. Otherwise, we find buildings where we can still house people. There are a lot of people who have families, who are rehoused”, indicates Ivan Mottet, mayor of Saint-Martin-Vésubie. In this village, the inhabitants are once again plunged into worry, three years after storm Alex.

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