Saint-Lager-Bressac votes canceled for a key problem

This is a decision taken on Wednesday by the Constitutional Council. In the list of votes canceled during the second round of the presidential election of April 24, is this paragraph:

In the municipalities of Le Titre (Somme), Saint-Sulpice (Nièvre), Montrevel (Isère) and Saint-Lager-Bressac (Ardèche), in which 210, 231, 254 and 500 votes were respectively cast, the magistrate delegate of the Constitutional Council noted that the keys to the ballot box were held in conditions contrary to the provisions of article L. 63 of the electoral code. This irregularity continued despite the observations of the delegate magistrate of the Constitutional Council. Under these conditions, it is necessary to cancel all the votes cast in these municipalities.

A problem with keeping the keys to the ballot box

At the town hall of the Ardèche commune, which has 704 voters, everyone was flabbergasted when we told them the news. A person delegated by the Constitutional Council came to check the polling station on April 24 and noted an error in the way the key to the ballot box and its duplicate were kept. Both must be kept by two different people but inside the polling station. Which was not the case at lunchtime.

The 500 voters of Saint-Lager-Bressac who had expressed themselves in the second round saw their vote annulled. 299 had chosen Marine Le Pen, 201 had preferred Emmanuel Macron. They join the 61 blank and invalid votes. And are therefore no longer counted in the final result of the election. Three other municipalities in France are affected by the same irregularity.

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