Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle | The border post closed after a collapse of the road

(Montreal) While the gradual arrival of the summer holidays increases road traffic towards the United States, one of the main border crossings linking Canada and the United States is not able to serve travelers on Monday.

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announces that all lanes at the Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle border crossing are closed to traffic due to a broken roadway. This is the substation that leads to Champlain, in the State of New York, ensuring the junction between Highway 15, in Quebec, and Highway 87, in the United States.

The Agency asks motorists to use the entry point of Saint-Armand, in Montérégie, which leads to Highway 89 in the United States.

The brief communication from the Agency suggests that the same notice is addressed to truck drivers, who are usually very numerous to use the Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle substation.

It was unclear early Monday morning what caused the break in the roadway and how long it would take for the situation to recover.

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