Sagamore Stevenin separated from a famous actress: why she was forced to break up

Sagamore Stévenin is to be found this Thursday, October 27 on TF1 in Addicted. Very discreet about his private life, the actor had a love story with a famous actress, from whom he is separated. It was she who had revealed why she had to break up. This is Emma Colberti. revealed in Never two without you…T in the 90s, the now 50-year-old actress became French teacher Eve Prodi in the hit France 2 series such a big sun. Asked about her love life by Closerin June 2021, she had poured out on this idyll with Sagamore Stévenin.

I had a love affair with Sagamore Stévenin for whom I have immense respect. I carry it affectionately in my heart. We had met on RomanceX by Catherine Breillat. He was too young: 25 years old. He was a mad dog. He said to me: ‘I want seven children from seven different women!’, she confided. Emma Colberti was already the mother of Baptiste (born of her former union with the photographer Pierre-Anthony Allard. “I had my sonshe shared. It was impossible to stay with this man whom I loved terribly.“An experience that obviously left its mark. Indeed, Emma Colberti had added:”After him, I said to myself: ‘Never again will I be with an actor’.“The message got through.

This is the tragedy of my life.

What about Sagamore Stevenin? If Emma Colberti seems happy and single, the 48-year-old actor is in a relationship. The one who lost his father last July, Jean-François Stévenin died at the age of 77, shares the life of a certain Stéphanie, a woman who works in the artistic community. If he ever wanted to have children, he had to give up on that dream, as revealed to Here is early June. “I couldn’t have one, it’s the tragedy of my life. When I was young, every time I had an HIV test, I asked for a spermogram to be sure that everything was fine, it was so important for me to become a father one day. Ironically when I met my girlfriend I found out I had azoospermia [une anomalie du sperme caractérisée par l’absence totale de spermatozoïdes dans l’éjaculation, NDLR]. It’s like that…“, he revealed.

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