Saga of Paris: the park of seals

Here we are at the Parc de Sceaux, commune of the Hauts de Seine, a story linked to two linchpins of the great King, Colbert for the finances and Le Nôtre for the embellishments. The 17th century castle, property of Jean Baptiste Colbertwhich had nothing to envy to Vaux-le-Vicomte, was demolished, another was built at the beginning of the 19th century, the very one that you can visit today, transformed into a museum.

It is all the art of French living that you will find in the museum of Sceaux which has existed since 1937. More frequented, of course, the Park. 181 hectares including 60 in the town of Anthony, so as not to make anyone jealous! Two major events took place in the Parc de Sceaux, the arrival of Louis XIV in July 1677, he will say to his minister Colbert “I have never been so pleasantly entertained”.

Then 310 years later, in 1987, it was madonna tornado blowing over the Park. 130,000 people to attend the biggest concert ever given in France. Madonna, the energy in the basque, the rhythm in the boots, but too bad for those who were at the bottom of the park, five kilometers away, the pop star was more than tiny.

Ah, if only the Sun King had met Madonna, she would have become his favorite in the same way as Montespan or Mademoiselle de la Vallières. But we are not rewriting history. Or rather if, listen to Yannick Noah in 1987. He perfectly describes the enthusiasm of the public.

It was even said that Madonna had thrown her panties in the public, recovered by Jacques Chirac, legend or reality? The best is to check on the spot, at the Parc de Sceaux, this summer go there, by coach like Louis XIV or if you want by RER from the Gare du Nord.

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