“safe places” soon to be tested in the Paris metro against sexist and sexual violence

Assaults, harassment, insults… Sexual and gender-based violence increases every year in transport, despite the establishment of emergency numbers, the presence of agents or security cameras installed on all platforms. In an attempt to fight more massively against all forms of violence, the RATP has decided to test the establishment of “safe places” according to our colleagues from Parisian.

Safe places to seek refuge in case of need

In the event of attacks or violence in the metro, the victims will be able to take refuge, be listened to and accompanied without judgment in several underground shops. For the RATP, it is indeed a question of building “a benevolent and aware ecosystem”, affirms Sandrine Charnoz, project manager for the fight against sexual harassment in transport at the RATP, with the Parisian.

Employees trained to welcome victims

From September, the first secure locations will be installed in the connecting corridors of Auber and Opéra stations. These places will be referenced on the citizen and solidarity mobile application Umay. Employees will be trained by this same application to welcome possible victims, collect the facts and notify the security services depending on the situation.

Did you know ? In 2021, 9 out of 10 women say they have already been harassed on public transport (Source: National Federation of Transport User Associations)

A growing project

In the long term, the RATP would like to generalize this system to all the stations of the network by boarding the biggest brands. Shops, grocery stores, restaurants… Many places could become “safe places” in the coming months

How to react in case of harassment in transport?

Are you a victim or witness of harassment on public transport? First, call 31 17 (the emergency number for the rail network) or use the call terminals at the station or station.


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