sadly forgotten by one of his most precious family members…

At 37, Mr. Pokora is a fulfilled man! In the city, the artist has been a united couple with Christina Milian for several years now. Together, the lovebirds also had two sons: Kenna and Isaiah who constantly make them proud. From a previous relationship, the famous actress also had a little Violet who is extremely close to her other half. On the pro side, everything smiles also on Mr. Pokora.

As proof this month, the interpreter of “Not without you” unveiled his new opus called Epicenter. Soon, it is his tour that he will act to celebrate his 20 years of career. “The image of this teaser for the tour is a journey, it’s climbing the ladder. There are harder times when you have to ask yourself, think a little. There are times when we miss catches and we have to hang on at all costs and come back up. For me, 20 years of career, it’s a form of summit “, indicated the singer at the microphone of RTL.

To achieve his dreams, Mr. Pokora has always given the best of himself: “I am aware of this chance there and at the same time, I am aware of all the sacrifices and the work that it has been for all these years. It’s family, it’s a lot of time given to others and very little for oneself. It is sacrificing one’s everyday life”. Unfortunately, a being who was very dear to him could not closely follow his incredible rise…

“He didn’t recognize me anymore…”

This Monday, November 7, 2022, Christina Milian’s darling made shocking confessions about his grandfather who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. As he pointed out on the show As an asidehis ancestor the “was already wishing” before his big win on the show pop stars. “ He no longer recognized me. That was really something very painful for me because I was close to my grandfather and he’s someone I’ve always admired.” admitted Mr. Pokora before evoking not without pride his career.

He “was a career soldier, that he served his country, our country, France. He is someone who always had an elegance and an attitude when he walked into a place… [Il avait] respect for people. He smiled a lot with his eyes […]. I still have a lot of admiration for him.”added the ex-acolyte of Lionel Tim before evoking his greatest regret: “The fact that he didn’t actually know what I managed to do, it was still something quite painful for me”.


to see also: Mr. Pokora announces the unexpected: separation and new “adventure”!

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