sad revelations on the set of Cyril Hanouna!

Booder is back in theaters with a brand new project. On display at Great Circus, a film that he himself co-directed with Gaelle Falzerana, the 44-year-old comedian pays tribute to nursing staff. In full promotion of the feature film, Mohammed Benyamna, of his real name, was the guest of Cyril Hanouna on the set of Do not touch My TV this Tuesday, February 14, 2023. An opportunity for the artist to talk about his own story. “I am living my second life, because when I arrived in the world in 78 in Morocco in a small village, I was born with breathing complications”, he first explained.

“The village doctor said to my mother: ‘this child will not survive the winter’. My dad was in France, he said: ‘No, we are going to treat him’. I arrived at the Necker hospital, I stayed there for seven years, between admissions and discharges. And now, I got treatment, and as we are used to saying: ‘we must not forget where we come from’, I come from the Necker hospital and I’m very proud of that!”he added before sending a message to “all who are in hospitals”. Patients to whom he asks to keep hope. “I am with you, strength to you”.

Booder open-hearted about his story

This isn’t the first time Booder has spoken about this dark period of his life. In February 2022, the actor had already confided in his story on the show 50’Inside. He took the opportunity to thank his parents whom he considers to be “hero”. “They made me what I am today. A perfect education for me, tolerance, living together and always being on the positive side”.

Invited once again in the program hosted by Nikos Aliagas, Booder had recently surprised viewers by landing with his brother. “People won’t believe he’s my brother, because already he’s taller than me, he’s prettier than me”, he blurted out. A sequence that is worth the detour!


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