Sad festival of inconsistency | The duty

On June 8, Michel Roche, professor of political science (University of Quebec at Chicoutimi), and Michel Seymour, retired professor of philosophy (University of Montreal), published a text Ideas in The duty entitled “Will we go to the last drop of Ukrainian blood? “. They demonstrate that Ukraine has become neither more nor less than the chessboard on which the United States and Russia are at war. Shame on Russia, but also shame on the American, British, Canadian, Swedish and Finnish governments for their behavior which fuels this war.

In addition to all those lives ignobly lost in violence and torture, this conflict takes us away from our immense and pressing environmental problems. All the money spent by NATO members and by Russia on the war industry should be invested in environmental solutions.

As a perverse effect, the boycott of Russian petroleum products allows certain leaders and certain companies to make us believe that their Canadian oil projects are legitimate. Let us think, among others, of GNL Québec. Think of Steven Guilbeault, who is doing his best to promote Canadian bituminous oil to Europeans and so on.

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