“Sad day, my friends”: Christine Bravo faced with the death of a loved one, she gives a big rant

Stay discreet and silence your anger? Very little for Christine Bravo. The Big head by Laurent Ruquier is not one to lower her flap when she has things to say and she proved it again on Instagram this Monday, November 7. When she woke up, the 66-year-old columnist had the unpleasant surprise of discovering one of her dead animals. A heartbreaker for the nature lover: “Sad day, my friends. My blue bird, so dear to my heart, hid to die. He chose the discretion of a nest where his friends were laying. He’s one of the 2 males I talked about in The Big Headslisteners may remember this sequence“, she began in legend of the snapshot of the sleeping bird in a box.

If Christine Bravo can do nothing against the vagaries of life, it is out of the question for her to silence injustices or protect culprits when there are some. For her, it is certain, the garden center thanks to which she became the owner of this bird is at fault: “I had bought a so-called couple of diamonds from Gould in the Truffaut garden center in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. The seller, a bird specialist, was formal: a female and a male. Birds coming according to her from a serious and approved breeding.” Noting the short life of his birds, Stéphane Bachot’s wife quickly came to the conclusion that the saleswoman had lied to her: “In truth it was 2 males, which I later discovered thanks to a professional from the Bird Market, from the Ile de la Cité in Paris. They were my birds, I loved them, I wasn’t going to give them back. […] Absolute incompetence! At the beginning of the year, the first died, despite all my care. Today, the second joined him.

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