Sacha Guitry and the mysteries of the third link

When you think that everything has been said on a subject, you have to turn to Sacha Guitry. Playwright, filmmaker and bon vivant, Guitry had the art of finding meaning in stupidity, and vice versa. It therefore seemed to me that he was the only person in the world, living or dead, who could usefully enlighten us on the decision of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) government to revive the third link.

In what follows, all the answers are from Guitry, I swear. All questions are mine, I swear too.

The Legault government has not been able to show any study that justifies the construction of a new highway bridge in Quebec. How do you explain his decision?

We are a bit of a slave to the dreams we have had.

No doubt, but shouldn’t we base our decisions on good reasons?

Reason and logic can do nothing against stubbornness and stupidity.

They said that a third link was needed for ridership. Now they say it’s for safety. How did they come up with this argument?

There are people talking, talking, talking — until they finally find something to say.

Yes, but shouldn’t you admit the facts, even if they are contrary to your wishes?

To say the opposite of the truth is to have approached it, from behind, but very closely.

Do you believe that the CAQ is stubborn for fear that voters would reject it if it were to tell the truth?

The truth that is good to hear is never good to say for this reason that we are never sure of knowing it.

This is getting a little obscure.

When a dark, convoluted sentence makes you dizzy, remember that what makes you dizzy is emptiness.

Perhaps, but do you think that François Legault believes himself?

What probably distorts everything in life is that we are convinced that we are telling the truth because we say what we think.

So, for you, he means what he says?

All men are born actors, except a few actors.

Some think that with this announcement, the Prime Minister is taking a crazy risk.

He doesn’t seem intelligent enough to me to be crazy.

Oh ! You’re going strong! I assure you that Mr. Legault is quite intelligent.

To be “enough” intelligent is to be “not” intelligent enough, precisely. Being “half” of anything, moreover, is useless — because it is always the other half that is lacking.

He still says he consulted the population of Quebec.

Pretend to ask others for their opinions — because politeness is an exquisite thing.

So it was just politeness. He had already chosen to move forward to avoid electoral failure.

We must never face the things we fear.

There is still the question of cost. This will count into the billions of dollars. How is this justifiable?

We are told that our kings spent lavishly, that they took our money without taking our advice. But when they built such marvels, didn’t they put our money aside for us?

However, once built, this bridge must be considered a marvel. How to ensure this?

Luxury is about money. Elegance is a matter of education.

Do you believe that this bridge will be good for the influence of the Old Capital? Is the advertising worth it?

God himself believes in publicity: he put bells in churches.

François Legault is still the target of fierce criticism. What should his attitude be towards his detractors?

If those who say bad things about me knew exactly what I think of them, they would say a lot more.

You seem to be saying that he should purposely invite criticism. Do you have another quote for him?

From the day I understood who the people I were exasperating were, I admit that I did everything I could to exasperate them.

Perhaps, but the opposition rages. What should François Legault say to them?

My enemies do me a lot of honor: they attack me as if I had a future!

This may be fine for a public entertainer, but aren’t your suggestions counterproductive for a politician?

Are you judging me by my answers? If you believe that I do not judge you on your questions!

I didn’t want to offend you, but are you right in this specific case?

It’s possible, right now, that I’m right — but I wonder if it’s in my interest to be right right now.

Okay, let’s change the angle. What should be the attitude of voters to this announcement?

One of the most successful and interesting lies there is, and one of the easiest, is to make someone who is lying to you believe you believe them.

I don’t really see what that will do. At least the people of Quebec have the hope of having their bridge, right?

The most disappointed people in life are those who only get what they deserve.

The polls still show that the CAQ is heading towards defeat, is that serious?

For me, a government that falls is a play that disappears from the poster – and I consider the one who comes to replace it to be a new comedy.

I don’t have the impression that government ministers find it very funny.

He who does not tolerate jokes has difficulty coping with reflection.

Finally, do you treat elected officials like your actor friends?

Don’t speak ill of my friends, I can do it as well as you.

I have no doubt about it. Thank you for unlocking the mysteries of the third link for us.

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