Sabrina, stabbed by Jacques Rançon: “It’s evil incarnate”, the victim tells of hell

After listening to the powerful testimony of Sabrina, survivor of the murderer Jacques Rançon, the strength of this woman impresses. In March 1998, she was one of the victims of the violence and horror of this man nicknamed the killer of Perpignan, three months after he killed and mutilated Mokhtaria Chaïb, and three months before he died. rage to death on Marie-Hélène Gonzales. She spoke for the first time on the sidelines of her trial twenty years after the events in 2018. Today, he is on appeal for the murder of Isabelle Mesnage.

At the microphone of journalists including BFMTV, Sabrina speaks with a determination that leaves you speechless, when you know the atrocity of what she has experienced. In March 1998, when she was 19 years old and waiting for her boyfriend at the foot of her building, an alcoholic man approached her. The heavy flirt turns into a stab. “He found satisfaction in penetrating me with the knife“, she will say during the trial.

I dreamed it almost every night. I always promised myself never to forget it. Because he made my life hell. Sorry. This character, I didn’t think he was going to hurt me except that at one point I started to doubt. It is evil incarnate. Now he won’t go out, he won’t hurt women anymore. His place is in jail“, said Sabrina at the end of her intervention in court.

Keeping important consequences, she is followed, wanting to try to stop being afraid all the time, in her daily life. “I think I will always have this fear that will be in me. I still have a scar that is signed by this murderer. It’s a signature he made on my belly“, continued at the microphone the one who became a mother of four children. She also underlines that he is a normal man, aware of what he has done and even jubilates. If Sabrina was able to survive, it is thanks to the intervention of a resident of the neighborhood who heard her screams.In the emission of France 2 Let the accused enterMarie-Line had recounted the horror scene with great precision.

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