Sabrina Perquis (Secret Story), new operation and scar: “I present to you my new body…”

Attached to the TV section, Hiba Semali is dedicated to the small screen. The Voice, Koh-Lanta, Top Chef, Secret Story, Star Academy or even Les Marseillais have no secrets for her.

She is incredibly strong. Sabrina Perquis has been fighting for many years against her disease, cystic fibrosis, the same one that killed Grégory Lemarchal, winner of the “Star Academy”. This time, the former reality TV candidate shares her battle against a tumor on video. Operated on the chest, it appears divine and assumed!

She was revealed to the general public during her participation in Secret Story (season 5, in 2011). Since, Sabrina Perquis shares his daily life on social networks. And life is not always rosy for the young woman with cystic fibrosis. Monday March 14, 2022, she took to her Instagram account to share a video associated with a moving text in which she evokes a new operation that changes her body.

This is definitely the most difficult post for me since I’ve been on Insta… And believe me I tremble while writing it! I don’t know if it’s the best way for you presenting my ‘new body’. The video is not super high quality I’m not super good at it. But here it is simply… After months of battles where I often felt alone, sad, where I shed tears… I was lost…“, she writes.

And to continue:Because it is not under the pretext that you are strong that one day you do not have the right to say that you do not accept. Just because you’ve been through worse doesn’t mean you can always face it all! I’m not trying to prove my courage, this word means nothing to me when you have no choice… I tried to hide it to protect my loved ones and because the times are difficult enough for me to spread negative vibes in my turn… I had to face different ordeals. But it’s done.

This big change she talks about is an operation to remove a tumor. For this, the doctors had to “reopen [son] chest, vertical this time“. An announcement that devastated her. Sabrina Perquis thus appears in tears on the video… then proudly displays her vertical scar in the middle of her chest. “4 months later, I accepted I’m calm, the scar isn’t so ugly after all and it’s fineshe continues. A new precious a little poisoned but of which I take care.

This post, the pretty blonde who contracted Covid-19 despite her three doses of vaccine does it for “help women who have difficulty accepting the marks of their history on their bodies“. Sabrina Perquis has no intention of hiding this scar or even “[se] deprive of putting necklines. “I continue to try to find myself with this new trace of my history and every day to try to regain confidence in myself!“, she concludes. A beautiful lesson in life…

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