(Quebec) Carl Girouard admitted during his cross-examination on Thursday that he heard no voices and was not the victim of any hallucinations when he attacked seven innocent bystanders with a saber on Halloween night 2020 in Old Quebec.
Posted at 3:25 p.m.
“Didn’t the devil tell you to go and kill people in Quebec? asked the Crown prosecutor, Mr.and Francois Godin.
“No,” admitted the 26-year-old killer. He also answered in the negative when the prosecutor asked him if he heard voices or had visual hallucinations.
Girouard continued to claim in court that there were “two Carls fighting together” in his head. The “bad Carl” was obsessed with a “mission” to eliminate people with a sword. “It was a duty,” repeated the accused on the second day of his testimony.
The Crown continued to search for flaws in the defense of not being liable on account of mental disorder. Mand Godin insisted on the high degree of preparation of the killer of Sainte-Thérèse, who simmered his plan from the age of 17 until his execution, when he was 24 years old.
“Why didn’t you kill people in Old Montreal? asked the prosecutor. “Why drive three hours to go to Quebec? »
Mystery around tattoos
The Crown also recalled that the man had two tattoos covered on his back in order to be “pure” when taking action. He first subjected himself “for months” to unsuccessful laser sessions, before simply having the tattoos covered.
Mand Godin pointed out to him that he had had time to think long and hard about the actions he was about to take during these laser sessions. “It’s hard for me to get back into the head of the Carl of the mission,” said the man who is accused of two first degree murders and five attempted murders.

Carl Girouard covered two tattoos on his back before taking action.
Mand Godin, however, did not ask Girouard what his tattoos originally represented, and the mystery remains.
The prosecutor also wanted to know when “the good Carl” had finally taken over. After his crimes, Girouard said he immediately realized the futility of his “mission”. However, he remained silent for five long hours during his interrogation by the police immediately after his murders. The police officers who arrested him said he seemed calm and in full possession of his faculties.
“The good Carl came back when I came into custody and cried for the first time,” he told the court.
The Crown defends the thesis according to which Girouard was in possession of his means at the time of killing two innocent people in Old Quebec, that he sought by these crimes to give himself importance and wanted to be an “agent of chaos”.
Psychiatrist Gilles Chamberland, defense expert, is due to testify on Friday.