Rym Renom and Vincent Queijo worried: their daughter victim of a sudden health problem

Always very positive and smiling, it’s a Rym Renown more concerned than we discovered on Instagram in recent days. And for good reason, the pretty Spaniard finds herself powerless in the face of the malaise of his eldest Maria-Valentina (2 years). The little girl born of her love affair with Vincent Queijo is the victim of a significant rash. Her mother has indeed noticed the appearance of several red pimples on her belly. Inevitably, she then hastened to make an appointment with a dermatologist but unfortunately, the waiting lists are incredibly long.

We were told there was an eight month wait. For a baby! I don’t understand (…) I just want to know what my daughter has“, was sorry the ex-candidate of reality tv in story Instagram Wednesday, June 29, 2022. With her fiancé, she therefore resolved to go to the emergency room to get the answers to her questions. And then, in the meantime, luck smiled on him. “We managed to get an appointment with a dermatologist in Paris this afternoon!“, she announced with relief. And to specify that she had benefited from the help of a “relative”.

The day after the consultation, this Thursday, Rym Renom spoke on his social networks to give news of Maria-Valentina. “Yesterday we went to the meeting, we were very lucky. Me, I stayed home with Alma (his second daughter born prematurely in January 2022, editor’s note) and Vincent left with Maria“, she first explained. Rym then revealed the root of the problem: “It’s a little virus, it’s not bad, I think she caught it in Morocco. You just have to treat and it is a treatment that you have to follow for two to three weeks.” More fear than harm therefore for the toddler for whom everything should be back to normal very soon.

Reassured, Rym Renom will certainly be able to dive back into the preparations for her marriage to Vincent. Engaged since the summer of 2020, the couple is only preparing to say “yes” to each other in front of all their friends and families. A happy event that they will undoubtedly not fail to document on the Web.

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