Russians prepare to celebrate May 9 in Mariupol



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As the symbolic date of May 9 approaches, celebrated in Russia as the victory against Nazism in 1945, the Russians are preparing the event meticulously and settling in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol.

City officials raise Russian flags in the streets of Mariupol (Ukraine), as a symbol of Vladimir Putin’s ambitions. The objective is to impose the predominance of Russia in the region. Almost all of this city in southeastern Ukraine, besieged for two months, is under the control of the Moscow army. In the city, pro-Russian volunteers clean the tracks and prepare the celebrations for May 9, the anniversary of the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany.

We lend a hand to renovate parks and monuments before the 9th, so that the citizens of Mariupol can mark this holiday“Explains Denis, one of the volunteers. The Kremlin denies any official celebration. The Russian government assures that no delegation will be present in Mariupol. In Moscow, on the other hand, preparations are accelerating.

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