Russians pay tribute to soldiers killed in Ukrainian strike

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2:50 p.m. : A torture chamber has been discovered in a liberated village in the Mykolaiv region, announce the Ukrainian secret service (SBU). They claim that the Russian army had raided a house in Oleksandrivka to question people who refused to cooperate. Also according to this source, the victims were notably beaten, suffocated with plastic bags and subjected to electric shocks.

2:43 p.m. : Journalists from the “Quotidien” program on TMC, reporting in Ukraine, were surprised by a bombardment a few tens of meters from them, south of Kramatorsk in the east of the country. “It was very noisy. We had dust in our eyes, and in our mouths. Part of the entrance to the hotel collapsed on us, the windows were shattered”testified reporter Paul Gasnier last night.

1:52 p.m. : Rallies were held today in Russia to pay tribute to servicemen killed in a strike claimed by kyiv near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine. This strike left at least 63 dead, according to Moscow, and several hundred according to kyiv. Some 200 people took part in an authorized rally in Samara, in the center of the country, where some of the soldiers killed were from.

11:56 : I spoke to you earlier about the explosion that sounded last night just before the duplex of a journalist from the program “Quotidien”. A colleague of Bild (article in German)who was also near the ice rink, was slightly injured by a shard of glass.

11:49 : one Ukrainian family, two sides of Kherson oblast — free and occupied — listen and cry together to zelenskyy’s new year address. russian terrorism won’t win over us.

11:49 : Incredible scene: a family shows, via a telephone video call, Volodymyr Zelensky’s wishes on a computer to a relative who lives in the occupied zone, and who does not have access to the images.

11:37 : #Russian deputies and propagandists called to declare singer Valery #Meladze a “foreign agent” and deprive him of Russian citizenship for the phrase “Glory to the heroes” at a corporate party in #Dubai.

11:54 : Russian deputies have asked the authorities to withdraw Russian citizenship from singer Valery Meladze. They did not appreciate that the artist supports Ukraine on the occasion of the end of year celebrations in Dubai.

10:54 : A #missile explodes right next to our team in #Ukraine before their duplex in #DailyGreat respect to the journalists on the ground who risk their lives to inform us

10:54 : The viewers who were in front of the program “Quotidien” last night had their breath taken away. A missile exploded just before journalist Paul Gasnier’s duplex: “We still have shaky hands.”

09:44 : The Ukrainian secret service claims to have collected enough evidence against two senior Russian military officials, accused of being responsible for strikes against civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. Colonel General Sergei Kobylach and Admiral Igor Osipov are the first two people charged by kyiv for bombing civilian targets. This crime is punishable by life imprisonment.


10:14 a.m. : At this stage, 3,400 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are prisoners in Russia, according to an adviser to Volodymyr Zelensky quoted by the media Suspilne (article in Ukrainian). Alyona Verbytska adds that 15,000 Ukrainian citizens are missing. Since the start of the war, 1,596 Ukrainians have returned from captivity, including 187 women.

07:08 : Volodymyr Zelensky expects a prolonged Shahed drone attack on the country. “Only two days have passed since the beginning of the year and the number of Iranian drones shot down over Ukraine is already over 80, explains the Ukrainian president in his last video message. This number may increase in the near future. Because these weeks the nights can be quite rough.”

07:14 : This is one of the news of the night. Volodymyr Zelensky announced the holding of a summit between Ukraine and the European Union on February 3 in kyiv. The office of the Ukrainian president specifies in its press release that this meeting will aim to discuss financial and military support from Europe.

It is also said that Volodymyr Zelensky has already discussed the details of this meeting with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

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