Russians “continue to make life unlivable by using energy as a weapon of war”, denounces a Ukrainian MP

Lesia Vasylenko, Ukrainian opposition MP, member of the environmental committee traveling to Paris, estimated on Tuesday November 8 on franceinfo that the Russians “continue to make life in Ukraine unlivable” using energy “as a weapon of war”. Part of the Ukrainians begin the winter without water, without heating and without electricity. Entire districts of kyiv in particular are plunged into darkness after repeated Russian attacks on power stations in the region. The MP says to herself “very worried”but ensures “the determination” Ukrainians to prepare for a harsh winter. According to her, the inhabitants who have the financial means must leave the country: “They must be prepared to do so if the situation becomes more serious.”

franceinfo: The Russians are trying to make life impossible in Ukraine?

Lesia Vasylenko: It’s exactly that. The Russians employ several methods as a weapon of war. Previously, wheat was used as a weapon of war. It was nuclear and it is still nuclear which is used as a weapon of war. And it is energy that from the beginning has been used as a weapon of war. It is a strategy that the Russians pursue to make life in Ukraine unlivable and to destroy everything that gives us the strength to be Ukrainians and to continue to fight for our freedom, our independence.

Are you worried about the population?

I am very worried, like all my colleagues and everyone who lives in Ukraine. But that worry doesn’t change anything. It only gives us the determination to be more prepared for the winter, to be more prepared for the different challenges that the Russians can prepare. We have to prepare water at home. We have to be prepared with modern technological means that are available like portable generators, like additional batteries for the tools that we use at home. But we must also really be ready to evacuate the categories of people who have the money, who have the means to go elsewhere, to the west of Ukraine, perhaps to go abroad. They must be prepared to do so if the situation becomes more serious.

What are you doing in Paris?

We met with representatives of the National Assembly, the Senate as well, government representatives and Elysée advisers to report on events in Ukraine, but also above all, to continue to ask for help for Ukraine. . The main thing the Ukrainians need is weapons so that we can protect ourselves and force the Russians out of our territory. As long as the Russians remain in the Crimea, in the Donbass, in the other Ukrainian regions, we could not start negotiations.

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