Russian volunteers in support of Ukrainian soldiers on the front


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

franceinfo – B. Barnier, N. Auer

France Televisions

While clashes are still taking place in several areas of the country between Ukrainians and Russians, kyiv can count in its counter-attack on several hundred Russian volunteers.

This column of soldiers has just left Ukraine. They enter enemy territory towards the Russian city of Belgorod. Yet they are not Ukrainians, but Russians, volunteers who are fighting Vladimir Putin’s troops. Journalists were able to meet two of them in kyiv (Ukraine). “We are fighting Russia because Putin is the incarnate evil against which I have wanted to fight all my life and here I have the opportunity”, says Pavel, a member of the Russian Volunteer Corps. Before joining, Aleksandr was a commercial director and Pavel a blogger.

Accelerated on-the-job training

They were trained in combat before being sent into the field. “Initially, the body of Russian volunteers started as a group of friends, acquaintances”, specifies for his part Aleksandr. Since then, they have multiplied operations on the front, like an assault last summer. “The radio told us that a boat equipped with machine guns was coming towards us. We were on inflatable boats, it was scary. At that moment, I thought to myself that we were going to pass there, but by some miracle, there was no death. “

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