Russian troops attempt to encircle the city of Bakhmout

What there is to know

The Russian paramilitary group Wagner is trying to “pierce the defense” ofs Ukrainian troops in Bakhmout and “surround the city”, reported the commander of the Ukrainian ground forces on Tuesday, February 28. Despite a strategic importance disputed by experts, this locality has become a symbol of the struggle for control of Donbass. “Russia does not count its men at all, constantly sending them to assault our positions, added Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the evening. The intensity of the fighting is only increasing.” Follow our live.

“No element” on a diversion of American aid by kyiv. “There is no evidence that the Ukrainians hijacked [l’aide] to the black market”said a senior Pentagon official, during a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee. “It’s no wonder, given the intensity of the fighting and the fact that they are clearly using what we provide them and what our allies and partners provide for maximum effectiveness”he specified.

Finland launches the construction of its iron curtain. Finland has started construction of its new 200 kilometer long fence on part of its border with Russia, a project decided after the invasion of Ukraine. The work concerns a three-kilometre pilot project near the town of Imatra in southeastern Finland.

NATO is stalling on Ukraine’s membership. “NATO countries agree that Ukraine should become a member of the alliance but, at the same time, it is a long-term perspective,” declared the Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance, during a visit to Finland.

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