Russian ship allegedly violated Danish territorial waters twice

(Copenhagen) The Danish army announced on Friday that a Russian corvette had violated Danish territorial waters twice.

Posted at 10:51 a.m.

According to the Danish armed forces, the Russian ship first entered Danish waters at 2:30 a.m. (0000 GMT) north of the island of Christansø, a Danish island located south of Sweden some 300 kilometers from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad.

“A few hours later, the same corvette again crossed the territorial waters border, also north of Christansø,” the Danish military said in a statement.

“Following a call from the Navy’s Maritime Operations Unit on civilian VHF radio, the Russian vessel immediately left Danish territorial waters,” the Army added.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs then announced that it had been in discussion with the Russian ambassador while recalling that this incursion took place after a Russian military plane violated the airspace at the end of April.

“Again, Russia is ignoring international rules by not respecting borders. It has been made clear to the Russian ambassador that this kind of action is completely unacceptable,” Foreign Ministry Jeppe Kofod said in a separate statement.

A founding member of the Atlantic Alliance, Denmark had quickly announced the shipment of arms to Ukraine following the invasion by Russia in February.

At the beginning of June, the Danes had also voted with an overwhelming majority for the country’s entry into the European Union’s defense policy, ending 30 years of exception.

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