Russian paramilitary group Wagner has been deployed in eastern Ukraine, UK MoD says

More than a thousand combatants could be brought to fight in the country.

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Russian mercenaries from the Wagner group have deployed in eastern Ukraine, the British Ministry of Defense announced on Monday March 28. The latter estimates that more than a thousand fighters of the sulphurous paramilitary society could be brought to fight in the country. Reputed to be close to Vladimir Putin, Wagner’s men are suspected of abuses in Mali, Libya and even Syria.

“Due to heavy casualties and an invasion [en Ukraine] largely stalled, Russia was most likely forced to redeploy its Wagner personnel to Ukraine at the expense of operations in Africa and Syria,” believes London.

In mid-March, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed that Russia had drawn up lists of 40,000 fighters from the Syrian army and allied militias ready to be deployed in Ukraine. The Wagner group is one of 59 Russian companies and personalities targeted Thursday by a new series of sanctions decided by London in response to the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army at the end of February.

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