Russian MPs “do not care” about European sanctions, assures RN MEP Thierry Mariani

Thierry Mariani, MEP for the National Rally, estimated on Tuesday February 22 on franceinfo that the Russians “didn’t care” European sanctions against them, after Moscow’s recognition of the independence of the two pro-Russian separatist regions of Ukraine.

franceinfo: Do ​​you condemn the sending of troops by Russia to the province of Donbass and the recognition by Russia of two separatist regions?

Thierry Mariani: Yes of course. I regret this progress because in reality, it is a failure of the negotiations. I understand it too. The Minsk agreements were signed seven years ago, on February 12, 2015, and these agreements have never been applied by Ukraine, since they provided for a status of autonomy for the two republics, Lugansk and Donetsk.

“For seven years, European diplomacy has been subsidizing Ukraine, but has never demanded that these agreements be respected. There is a moment when, indeed, these agreements are null and void. This is what we see today. today.”

Thierry Mariani, RN MEP

at franceinfo

It is not an act of war because, in these territories, for seven years, the Ukrainian government no longer has any real sovereignty. I went there twice in the Donbass, it was fertile ground, people want to turn to Russia.

Is it similar to what happened in 2014 with Crimea?

It has nothing to do. Russia has recognized two independent republics, but there is no desire on the part of Russia to annex these territories, even if that is what the populations of these two regions have been asking for for seven years.

How do you judge the sanctions taken by Europe against Moscow?

Russia has been under sanctions since 2014. It hasn’t changed its position one bit. I heard that all the politicians who had voted for this attachment were going to be sanctioned. I can tell you that for them, it’s a kind of Legion of Honor to be sanctioned by the West, they don’t care at all.

Think Vladimir Putin is ready for all-out conflict?

I think there will be no generalized conflict if the Ukrainian president keeps his cool. Vladimir Putin knows very well that to advance further in Ukraine, to advance towards Kiev, there is not at all the same sensitivity of the populations, it is a totally different population. I think the Russian troops will stop at the borders of the current Republic. Some would like them to get bigger, but to go any further would really be an act of war, and I don’t think Vladimir Putin will make that mistake.

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