Russian interference behind the coffins found at the foot of the Eiffel Tower?


Video length: 1 min

Paris: Russian interference behind the coffins found at the foot of the Eiffel Tower?
More than a week after the discovery of empty coffins placed near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the investigation seems to be moving towards foreign interference. The suspects and the modus operandi could confirm this.

More than a week after the discovery of empty coffins placed near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the investigation seems to be moving towards foreign interference. The suspects and the modus operandi could confirm this.

At the foot of the Eiffel Tower, five coffins found last Saturday morning raise questions. Plaster was found inside, with an inscription: “French soldiers of Ukraine”. Three suspects were identified in this case: a Bulgarian, a German and a Ukrainian. Should we therefore see this as foreign interference, or even an attempt at political destabilization? In any case, this is the hypothesis of the investigators.

Because these coffins echo the potential sending of French soldiers to Ukrainian soil. Another element, the modus operandi of the suspects’ flight, common to all cases of interference. Two of them actually headed to the Bercy bus station to take a bus to Germany or Belgium. They were arrested. Still according to investigators, the last man arrested was linked to a previous case of interference: the red hands sprayed on the Shoah memorial in Paris.

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