Russian gas: Will Moscow continue to reap profits?



Article written by

J. Gasparutto, L. Lacroix, F. Caer, B. Catrice – France 2

France Televisions

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, proposed Wednesday, September 7 to European states to cap the price of gas to limit the income that Russia derives from it.

The counter displays, Wednesday, September 7, more than 87 billion euros. An astronomical sum which corresponds to the money paid by the Europeans to the Russians for six months, to supply themselves with energy. Because even if Europeans now buy four times less gas from Russia, they pay ten times more for it. Brussels (Belgium) therefore wants to impose on Moscow (Russia) a price cap.

“We have to cut off the resources of Russia that [Vladimir] Putin uses to finance his war in Ukraine”announced Ursula von der LeyenPresident of the European Commission, Wednesday 7 September. But Vladimir Putin is already warning that he will not sell his gas cheaper, and he is threatening. In a clip released Tuesday by Gazprom, a cutting technician the floodgates and the song warn that the winter will be long. Clearly, the Europeans must expect difficult times, and they bear the responsibility. But can Russia do without European money? For several months, it has increased its exports to China, India and Turkey, but these outlets remain for the moment insufficient.

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