Russian Foreign Minister urges NATO to stop arming Ukraine

(Beijing) Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has urged NATO and the United States to stop delivering weapons to Kyiv, if they “are really interested in resolving the Ukrainian crisis”.

Posted at 12:31 a.m.

In an interview published on Saturday by the official New China Agency, Lavrov also said that the Russian offensive in Ukraine is proceeding “according to plans”.

“A continuous flow of weapons of all kinds entered Ukraine through Poland and other NATO countries,” Lavrov said.

“If the United States and NATO are really interested in solving the Ukrainian crisis, then first of all they must wake up and stop delivering weapons and ammunition to the Kyiv regime,” added the head of Russian diplomacy. .

About forty countries met on Tuesday in Germany, around the United States, to coordinate an acceleration of the supply of military equipment that Kyiv is claiming.

While the United States and Ukraine report a delay in the Russian offensive in Donbass, the total conquest of which has become Moscow’s priority, Lavrov assured that the offensive was proceeding as planned.

“The special military operation that started on February 24 is proceeding strictly according to plan. All the objectives of the special military operation will be achieved despite the obstruction of our adversaries,” he assured.

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