Russian authorities cite seizure of assets from countries deemed hostile

Russian authorities hinted on Sunday that Russian assets from certain countries deemed hostile could be seized, in response to the US administration’s proposal to liquidate assets seized from Russian oligarchs and transfer the proceeds to the Ukraine.

“It is right, with regard to a company located on Russian territory, whose owners come from hostile countries where such decisions are taken (to seize Russian assets, editor’s note), to respond with mirror measures: confiscate these assets,” thundered the Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, on his Telegram channel.

“And the proceeds from the sale will be used for the development of our country,” he adds.

He accuses “a number of hostile countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and even the United States” of not respecting international law and of “just indulging in theft”.

Mr. Volodin assures that “today, Russian entrepreneurs are buying foreign companies operating in Russia, buying up the shares of partners who want to leave our market” and urges “hostile” countries: “Act in a civilized manner. respecting international law”.

The Duma speaker cites the passage this week by the US Congress of a non-binding text calling on President Joe Biden to sell the seized Russian assets and transfer the proceeds to Ukraine.

“A dangerous precedent has been set that should boomerang the United States itself. This decision will not affect the economy of our country. Yachts, villas and other property seized from wealthy (Russian) citizens do not contribute to the development of Russia anyway,” Volodin said.

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