Russian army takes control of the town of Avdiivka


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War in Ukraine: Russian army takes control of the town of Avdiivka

War in Ukraine: the Russian army takes control of the town of Avdiivka – (franceinfo)

The Ukrainian army withdrew from the town of Avdiivka, now acquired by the Russian army, on Saturday February 17. Formerly populated by more than 30,000 people, it now has only 900.

After six months of fierce fighting, the Ukrainian army announced its withdrawal from Avdiivka on Saturday February 17. She made this choice to avoid encirclement and spare the lives of the soldiers. On social media, Russian soldiers can be seen filming themselves raising their flag over what they claim is the city’s industrial complex. 900 inhabitants are still present in this town which formerly had more than 30,000.

An important victory for the Russian army

Russian soldiers took the last residents who had not been transferred to Ukraine out of the city and took them to a reception center. “I waited for the Russian soldiers to arrive and then see, depending on the circumstances, to leave with them if it was pulling too hard.“, confides a man, who explains that he did not want to go to Ukraine. “My whole life is here, in the Donetsk region“, he continues. The conquest of Avdiivka is an important victory for Putin, a few days before the two-year anniversary of the Russian military offensive in Ukraine.

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