The planes were intercepted by U.S. and Canadian aircraft, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command.
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Tensions in the Pacific, according to a statement released by the Russian Defense Ministry, a group of strategic bombers from the Chinese and Russian air forces “carried out a joint patrol over the Chukchi Sea, the Bering Sea and the northern part of the Pacific Ocean“This joint patrol near Alaska was not aimed “a third party” and is “in accordance with international law”Beijing claims for its part. For its part, the Russian army specifies that the bombers did not violate American airspace. However, foreign planes accompanied the Sino-Russian group “on certain stages of the “route,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.
They were intercepted by U.S. and Canadian aircraft, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Earlier, NORAD, a joint U.S.-Canada force, said U.S. and Canadian fighter jets spotted and intercepted two Russian TU-95s and two Chinese H-6s. The bombers “did not enter U.S. or Canadian airspace” and their activity has not been “considered a threat”NORAD added.
Interceptions of Russian aircraft are relatively frequent in this area. Moscow and Beijing, allies against the West, now regularly carry out this type of joint exercises in other areas of the Pacific. Russia said on Sunday that it had dispatched fighter jets to prevent two American strategic bombers from crossing its border over the Barents Sea in the Arctic.