Russian airborne troops landed in Kharkiv, says Ukrainian army

According to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, a fire broke out on Wednesday in the barracks of a flight school in the country’s second largest city after an airstrike.

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War escalates in Kharkiv. Russian airborne troops landed in Ukraine’s second-largest city overnight from Tuesday March 1 to Wednesday March 2, the Ukrainian military said, which also reports ongoing fighting. “Russian airborne troops landed in Kharkiv (…) and attacked a hospital” local, the Ukrainian Armed Forces said in a statement on Telegram messaging. “A fight is underway between the invaders and the Ukrainians”according to the press release.

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According to Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Minister, a fire broke out on Wednesday in the barracks of a flight school in Kharkiv after an airstrike. “Practically there is no such area left in Kharkiv where an artillery shell has not yet hit”he said, quoted in a statement on Telegram.

Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million people near the border with Russia, was targeted by several bombings on Tuesday, which left around 20 dead and at least as many injured, according to local authorities.

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