Russia “will continue its policy of terror with bombardments on kyiv”, says a specialist

To “avenge” the loss of the Russian cruiser Moskva, Russia is likely to intensify its strikes, on military sites and civilian populations. This is what the editor-in-chief of “National Defense” estimates on franceinfo.

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Russia “will continue its policy of terror with aerial bombardments on kyiv and its region like those of recent days”estimated on franceinfo General Jérôme Pellistrandi, editor-in-chief of “National Defense”, while Moscow is again putting pressure on the Ukrainian capital and the surrounding towns.

According to him, Russia “no longer has the strength to come back to surround” the capital on the ground, but risks intensifying the strikes “on military sites but also on civilian populations”. After the sinking of the Russian cruiser Moskva“it is important for Moscow to raise its voice to avenge this loss”he explained.

The loss of this cruiser was experienced as a “humiliation” by the Russian forces, and these new strikes which also hit Lviv not far from the Polish border are reprisals. “It is a signal to say that the war continues, the Russian will is intact and that is what is extremely worrying”he judged.

Armaments factories are notably targeted by the Russians, whereas they had been spared until now. “The Russian forces were convinced that they were going to recover these factories intact after the first days of offensives, but that was not the case”analyzes the editor-in-chief of “National Defense”.

While Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recalled the seriousness of the nuclear threat, this risk remains moderate according to Jérôme Pellistrandi. “We must expect everything, it is not excluded on the military ground, but it would really be a leap into the unknown on the part of Moscow. The vocabulary used is aggressive, but there are no signs that indicate a real threat”he concluded.

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