Russia: tighter security in Moscow after the rebellion of the Wagner militia



Video length: 1 min.


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What is the direct impact of the rebellion of the Wagner group on the people of Moscow? The point, Saturday June 24, with the journalist Luc Lacroix, present on the spot.

Is there a change in the daily life of Russians after the threat of the Wagner group?The feeling that dominates at the moment in Moscow is uncertainty and amazement“, notes Luc Lacroix, live from Moscow (Russia), Saturday, June 24.We had seen that Evguéni Prigojine went further in words but who could have imagined a few days ago that he would dare to take action?continues Luc Lacroix. The Russians also expressed their concern, because the Kremlin did not hide the seriousness of the situation.

Russians waiting

The anti-terrorist regime was decreed in Moscow. This is the very first time in the Russian capital and it gives exceptional powers to law enforcement.”describes the journalist. A highway coming to the capital was also cut off to traffic.A little everywhere in the city, the Russian policemen are quite visible, we saw it but it is not completely exceptional in Moscow“, says Luc Lacroix. There is no general panic but the Russians are waiting because “They have understood that they are facing a situation that is changing very quickly”he concludes.

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