Russia suspends launches from Kourou cosmodrome

Roscosmos explains that this is a reaction to European Union sanctions against Moscow. The Russian space agency recalls its technical staff and “suspends its cooperation with European partners”.

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Russia is suspending launches from the Kourou cosmodrome in French Guiana, the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) announced on Saturday February 26. It is a reaction to the sanctions of the European Union against Moscow, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“In reaction to EU sanctions against our companies, Roscosmos suspends its cooperation with European partners in the organization of space launches from the Kourou cosmodrome and recalls its technical staff (…) from French Guiana “Roscosmos wrote in a statement.

The offensive launched on Earth by Russia to invade Ukraine has consequences in space. Russian and American nationals live together in the International Space Station, the operation of which requires cooperation between the two countries. US President Joe Biden has announced sanctions against Russia in response to its military offensive in Ukraine. these “will damage their aerospace industry, including their space program, and harm their ability to build ships,” did he declare. In response, the director of the Russian space agency Dmitry Rogozin, accustomed to thunderous declarations and close to the Kremlin, published inflammatory tweets, accusing the United States of “blackmail” and to want “destroy cooperation” regarding the ISS.

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