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After six months of war in Ukraine, Russia would have suffered a lot of human losses. Moscow is struggling today to recruit soldiers and is currently conducting a campaign to reinforce its troops.
Six months into what she calls “special military operation”, finding new soldiers is a major challenge for the Russian army. In a huge military forum near Moscow, alongside lined tanks and assault rifles, recruiting offices are hard at work. Mourad Tsokholov is only 17 years old, but he already wants to get involved. “I want to protect my homeland, whether it’s dangerous or not,” testifies the candidate for the Russian army.
To convince future recruits, the patriotic argument is not the only one used by the Russian army. In operation, a soldier can earn more than 3,000 euros per month, that’s four times the average salary. Moscow would have difficulty recruiting. If Russia does not communicate on the human losses, it must replace the soldiers killed, injured or taken prisoner. For now, Vladimir Putin refuses to launch a general mobilization. Russian detainees would also be called upon to fight on the Ukrainian front.