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Tuesday, May 3, the army hit hard the city of Mariupol (Ukraine), the last focus of Ukrainian resistance. An assault was launched on the Azovstal factory.
Pounded from the air, and now attacked on the ground, surrounded by Russian tanks. The assault was launched on Tuesday May 3 on the Azovstal factory, the last pocket of resistance in Mariupol (Ukraine). It is in the undergrounds of this iron and steel complex that dozens of civilians and the last two Ukrainian battalions in the city would still be entrenched. The nationalist group Azov still refuses to surrender.
“There are armored vehicles, there are tanks with attempts to land troops, with the help of boats and a large number of infantry elements. We will do everything to repel this assault, but we demand immediate measures to evacuate civilians.” said Sviatoslav Palamar, commander of the Azov regiment. For its part, Russia continues to gain ground in southern Ukraine. After Mariupol, his next target seems to be Odessa (Ukraine), the major port city further west. Since Monday, May 2, the strikes have resumed. The Russian army even broadcast images to boast of this new offensive. A missile destroyed a residential building. A teenager was killed.