Russia | Soprano concert canceled after criticism of Ukraine intervention

(Moscow) A Russian opera announced on Thursday that it had canceled a concert by the famous Russian soprano Anna Netrebko scheduled for June because of her position the day before against Moscow’s military intervention in Ukraine.

Posted at 4:33 p.m.

Netrebko, 50, “expressly condemned” the offensive in Ukraine on Wednesday, after being strongly criticized in Europe and the United States for her silence, as were many Russian artists in a hurry to speak out publicly.

In response, the Novosibirsk Opera, in Siberia, announced the cancellation of a concert scheduled for June 2 by the soprano who lives in Vienna.

“Living in Europe and having the opportunity to perform in European concert halls turned out to be more important (for her) than the fate of the homeland”, sharply denounced the Novosibirsk Opera in a press release.

“We should not be afraid of cultural figures who turn their backs on their homeland. Our country is rich in talent and yesterday’s idols will be replaced by others with a clear civic position,” he added.

The controversy around Netrebko illustrates the delicate situation in which Russian artists, sportsmen and other celebrities have been plunged since President Vladimir Putin sent his troops to Ukraine on February 24.

Summoned in Russia to display their patriotism or, failing that, to remain silent, they are on the contrary under pressure in Western countries to publicly distance themselves from the military operation and the Russian regime.

Russian artists have been sidelined in the West, in particular the conductor Valery Gergiev, close to the Kremlin, sacked from the direction of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra.

Netrebko was also criticized for having in the past expressed her support for pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, for example by visiting their “capital” Donetsk in 2015 where she posed next to a rebel flag.

The artist, who also has Austrian nationality, was also accused of being close to Mr Putin.

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