Russia says it used hypersonic missiles

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11:42 : French and Austrian ice hockey players will play the 2022 World Cup in Finland (May 13-29) after the exclusion of Russia and Belarus following the invasion of Ukraine, announced the International Federation. In Finland, the Blues will replace Russia in Group A and will face in Helsinki Canada (defender), Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Denmark, Kazakhstan and Italy.

11:30 a.m. : Since the outbreak of the Russian invasion, on February 24, and the beginning of the bombardments on Ukrainian cities, caregivers have had to adapt to injuries and interventions for which they were not necessarily prepared. In the military hospital in the city of Zaporizhia, Alishar Favat, surgeon, told franceinfo that “Some injuries are caused by weapons prohibited by international law. So we remove the bomb fragments from the bodies and photograph them, for evidence.”

10:26 : In the regional daily press, The Republican Berry and Press Center are interested in the reception conditions in France for Ukrainian refugees.

10:23 : We begin the press review with Le Figaro who is interested in the oligarchs, the “weak link in Russian power”and to The cross which returns to “the 3 days when Europe changed”.

10:35 a.m. : “Belarusians believe that this is not just a special operation, that it was Vladimir Putin who took the decision to bomb a peaceful population. And Belarusians are against that.”

Like part of Belarusian public opinion, opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaïa, currently in exile, wanted to distance herself from the action of President Alexander Lukashenko. “Lukashenko does not represent the Belarusian people, he is a usurper, he is a puppet of Putin. He only represents himself and his clique of bandits”assures a man in a video shot in front of the town hall of Lviv, in Ukraine, to be found in this article.

10:10 a.m. : Since the disputed re-election of Alexander Lukashenko in August 2020 and the subsequent crackdown, many Belarusians have fled the country, notably for Ukraine. Some, like Gleb, have chosen to join the Ukrainians. “I don’t want my children to say to themselves one day: my father could have tried to do something against the Russians, but he did nothing. You must try”he tells franceinfo.

10:19 : Peer de Jong, vice-president of the Thermiis institute, assured franceinfo that with the firing of these supersonic missiles, Russia “look for precision” and “to finish, we feel that there is an acceleration of the process”. These missiles have “electromagnetic decoys, which causes them to jam the Ukrainian anti-aircraft system”.

09:45 : Nigina has fled the repression which continues to harden in Russia. A new censorship law “forbidden to use the word ‘war’ to refer to the invasion of Ukraine”on pain of spending 15 years in prison. “I understood that I could no longer exercise my profession freely”, testifies this independent journalist. Along with four other “neither refugees nor really expatriates”she tells the reasons for her departure in this article.


10:20 a.m. : “Once in Istanbul, we learned that Russian bank cards would soon stop working abroad. We went out in the middle of the night to try to empty our accounts. Between the withdrawal fees and the exchange rate, we had lost a little more than half of what we had.”

Yanna had no plans to leave Russia before the invasion of Ukraine. “I left for fear of being stuck behind a new iron curtain”confides the producer of short films.

09:33 : “I didn’t want to take the risk of being mobilized for the war in Ukraine, if [le Kremlin] conscription decided one day.”

Nikita, a 26-year-old researcher living in Saint Petersburg, joined his girlfriend in France in early March. “The outlook was not very good for a liberal like me in Russia”he explains.

09:26 : By plane, by train or by car, they left suddenly, with a suitcase for all luggage. In the weeks following the invasion of Ukraine, an increasing number of Russians decided to leave their country, for fear of repression or conscription. Five of them told me why they chose to uproot their families, or leave them behind.


09:20 : These “Kinjal” hypersonic ballistic missiles and “Zircon” cruise missiles belong to a family of new weapons developed by Russia. These missiles are described by Vladimir Putin as“invincible”.

10:21 a.m. : Russia has therefore announced that it has used “Kinjal” hypersonic missiles to destroy an underground weapons warehouse in western Ukraine. This is the first time it has used this kind of ballistic missile, according to the state agency Ria Novosti. This type of missiles, very maneuverable, defies all anti-aircraft defense systems, according to Moscow.

09:16 : “It’s time to come together. It’s time to talk. It’s time to restore territorial integrity and justice for Ukraine.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky believes it was time for Russia to agree to stand “reunite” for “to discuss” seriously peace. “Peace and security negotiations for Ukraine are the only chance for Russia to minimize the damage caused by its own mistakes”Zelensky said in a video posted on Facebook.

10:23 : We start with the point on the news.

• The Russian Defense Ministry said it had used “Kinjal” hypersonic missiles the day before to destroy an underground weapons warehouse in western Ukraine. Follow our live.

• China records its first two deaths from Covid-19 in more than a year. These first deaths since January 26, 2021 in mainland China bring the toll of the pandemic to 4,638 dead in the country, excluding Hong Kong and Macao.

• France commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Evian agreements and the ceasefire in Algeria, with a ceremony at the Elysée where Emmanuel Macron will again plead for a “appeasement” memories on both shores of the Mediterranean.

• Fabien Galthié’s XV of France, opposed to England this evening (9 p.m.), is only 80 minutes away from a grand slam in the Six Nations Tournament which has eluded it for twelve years.

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