Russia says it destroyed sites used in Odessa to prepare attack on Crimean Bridge

The Russian Ministry of Defense said it destroyed in Odessa, Tuesday, July 18, the sites used by kyiv to prepare the attack the day before against the important Crimean bridge. “Overnight, the Russian Armed Forces launched a retaliatory strike (…) on facilities where terrorist acts against Russia were being prepared using naval drones”, the ministry said. Earlier, the Ukrainian army had announced that “port infrastructure” had been damaged in a Russian missile attack overnight. Follow our live.

The grain deal has expired. The agreement on the export of Ukrainian grain expired on Monday evening. Moscow had previously made known its refusal to extend the agreement, signed in July 2022 under the aegis of the United Nations and Turkey. Ihe Ukraine has shown its willingness to continue exporting its cereals via the Black Sea, with or without Moscow’s agreement on ship safety.

Downed Ukrainian drones. Russian air defense shot down 28 Ukrainian drones over Crimea overnight Monday-Tuesday, the Russian Defense Ministry said. On Telegram he added that “eleven other drones were neutralized” And “having not reached their target, they crashed”. “There were no casualties or damage”according to the same source.

The Crimean Bridge attacked. A Ukrainian drone attack has partially destroyed, for the second time, the Crimean Bridge, which connects Russia to the Ukrainian peninsula annexed in 2014 via the Kerch Strait. Significant damage was caused to the road section of the structure, which is used in particular to transport equipment to the Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine.

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