Russia: “it has the talents to wage a cyber war”

The war in Ukraine is not only happening on the ground, it is also happening on the web. Hundreds of computers are infected with spyware that erases data.

• Read also: [EN DIRECT] Russian invasion: second day of fighting in Ukraine

• Read also: The Russians will “try to seize” Kiev tonight

Some information suggests that the operation was planned more than two months ago!

“In the cybersecurity community, there is no great doubt that the Russians are behind this, we know that they have the capacities and the talents to wage a cyberwar”, mentions Jacques Sauvé, cybersecurity consultant at Trilogiam.

The specialist warns companies to be prepared for these kinds of threats.

“The number one problem I see in SMEs is that you have to worry about the problem. We have to take care of it as much as sales,” he said.

According to him, people often underestimate good cyber protection and yet it could save many companies.

“61% of SMEs that suffer a major cyberattack do not recover from it,” he says.

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