Russia “is ready to provide its armed forces with everything they need”, says Vladimir Putin

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3:24 p.m. : To meet the needs arising from the conflict in Ukraine, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Judge “necessary to increase the strength of the armed forces to 1.5 million soldiers, including 695,000 under contract”. Vladimir Putin validated this proposal.

3:17 p.m. : Here is the point on the news.

While Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be received today by Joe Biden in Washington, Vladimir Putin presented his objectives to the senior officers of his army. He assured that the conflict in Ukraine was a “common tragedy”, for which Russia was not responsible. Follow our live.

The travellers “whose train will be cancelled” will be reimbursed up to double the price of their ticket, promises the CEO of SNCF Voyageurs. All the details on this strike here.

The effects of the Covid-19 epidemic on demographic behavior in France will fade in 2021, but persist, according to demographers from the National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED). Franceinfo presents six things to know about the demographic situation in the country.

The government unveiled its “bill to control immigration, improve integration”. Franceinfo deciphers the main measures detailed in the 25-page document that we were able to consult.

2:56 p.m. : Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Washington is symbolic, but also strategic. It comes as US parliamentarians prepare to vote on a massive new package of support for Ukraine. The Ukrainian president is awaiting the green light from his American counterpart concerning the dispatch of the Patriot anti-aircraft defense batteries. Franceinfo explains why this technology would be useful in kyiv.

2:46 p.m. : According to Vladimir Putin, what is happening in Ukraine “is, of course, a tragedy (…) but it is not the result of our policy, it is the result of the policy of third countries”.

2:43 p.m. : The conflict in Ukraine is a “common tragedy” but Russia is not at fault, assures Vladimir Putin.

2:22 p.m. : Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says Russia is fighting in Ukraine “the combined forces of the West”, because of its financial support and its arms deliveries to kyiv. He also announces that the Russian army will deploy naval bases to support its fleet in Mariupol and Berdiansk, two cities it occupies in southern Ukraine.

2:22 p.m. : Vladimir Poutine affirmed that his country would continue to develop its military potential. “The armed forces and the combat capabilities of our armed forces are constantly increasing every day. And this process, of course, we will develop”, said the Russian president. He added that the Russian fleet would have “early January” of a new hypersonic missile.

1:58 p.m. : While Volodymyr Zelensky goes to the United States, the hypothesis of new arms deliveries to kyiv on the part of Washington makes Russia react. “All this certainly leads to an escalation of the conflict and does not bode well for Ukraine”assured the spokesman of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov.

1:14 p.m. : Vladimir Putin calls his army “to keep the nuclear triad in a state of vigil” to “maintaining the balance of power”.

1:12 p.m. : “The country is ready to provide its armed forces with everything they need.”

1:11 p.m. : The Russian president develops the objectives he sets for his army. He insists in particular on “the development of drones” and on the modernization of the equipment of Russian soldiers.

1:24 p.m. : Vladimir Putin began speaking to the Russian general staff. He says he wants “strengthen the security of our citizens”. Today, the military capabilities of all NATO countries are used against Russia.”he assures.


1:09 p.m. : Here are the best online contents on our site.

Only two out of three trains will run in France this Christmas weekend because of a strike by controllers. On franceinfo, Christophe Fanichet, CEO of SNCF Voyageurs, promised to “repay to 200% canceled train tickets.

While the government intends to facilitate the issuance and execution of obligations to leave French territory (OQTF), lawyers denounce an increasingly systematic tool for “weakening the stay of foreigners in France”.

Volodymyr Zelensky is going to the United States for his first trip outside Ukraine since the start of the conflict. Here is the program of his visit.

12:36 p.m. : Dancing away from the din of war. One of Ukraine’s most famous ballet companies kicks off a series of shows in Paris this week, with a first performance tonight at the Champs-Elysées theater in Paris. Report.

12:28 : “This is a signal sent to Vladimir Putin: this alliance between the United States and Ukraine is solid and will continue.”

The Ukrainian president, who has not left his country since the start of the Russian invasion, will be received at the White House by US President Joe Biden. Volodymyr Zelensky will then address Congress, where Republicans today express doubts and reservations about what they call the ‘blank check to Ukraine‘”underlines Cyrille Bret, researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute, on franceinfo. What Volodymyr Zelensky comes to Washington is to make sure that American parliamentarians will continue to vote credits to Ukraine.”

12:20 p.m. : On my way to the US to strengthen resilience and defense capabilities of ??. In particular, @POTUS and I will discuss cooperation between ?? and ??. I will also have a speech at the Congress and a number of bilateral meetings.

12:29 : On Twitter, the Ukrainian president confirms that he is “on the way to the United States to build resilience and defense capabilities” from Ukraine.

12:00 p.m. : It is noon. We take stock of the news of the day:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be received today by Joe Biden in Washington and then address the US Congress, the White House announced. Follow our live.

The travellers “whose train will be cancelled” will be reimbursed up to double the price of their ticket, promises the CEO of SNCF Voyageurs. All the details on this strike here.

A failed first flight. The European Vega-C launcher, which was to make its first commercial flight, got lost shortly after takeoff from Kourou, with two Airbus satellites on board.

Elon Musk promises to leave the direction of the social network after a poll unfavorable to his maintenance.

11:57 : New US arms deliveries to Ukraine “will aggravate” the conflict, says the Kremlin, before Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the United States.

11:02 : Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children have been confiscated from the authority of their parents and forcibly deported to Russia. The French association “For Ukraine, their freedom and ours” asks the International Criminal Court in The Hague to open an investigation for “genocide” with evidence to which franceinfo has had access.

10:48 : Additional help, political symbol… What should we expect from Volodymyr Zelensky’s historic visit to Washington? Response elements.

09:54 : Almost ten months of war in Ukraine. Almost the whole world salutes the courage of its inhabitants. But what psychological state are they really in? The consequences are colossal and not only as close as possible to the fighting but as far as the capital kyiv. Report.

09:13 : It’s 9 o’clock. We take stock of the news of the day:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be received today by Joe Biden in Washington and then address the US Congress, the White House announced. Follow our live.

The travellers “whose train will be cancelled” will be reimbursed up to double the price of their ticket, promises the CEO of SNCF Voyageurs. All the details on this strike here.

A failed first flight. The European Vega-C launcher, which was to make its first commercial flight, got lost shortly after takeoff from Kourou, with two Airbus satellites on board.

Elon Musk promises to leave the direction of the social network after a poll unfavorable to his maintenance.

07:39 : We have the details of the program of the Ukrainian president in Washington. His arrival is scheduled for 6 p.m. (French time) at the White House. A press conference will take place at 8:30 p.m.

07:08 : Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit shows that Washington will support Ukraine “as long as it takes” emphasizes the White House. American parliamentarians are in fact preparing to vote on a new massive package of support for Ukraine, of nearly 45 billion dollars. US President Joe Biden is expected to give the green light to sending Patriot missiles, a particularly sophisticated air defense system, to Ukraine.

07:07 : This is the first trip abroad of the Ukrainian president since the beginning of the war with Russia, almost 10 months ago.

07:05 : Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be received today by Joe Biden in Washington and then address the US Congress, the White House announced.

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