Russia is emptying its prisons, due to lack of personnel in Ukraine

The lack of Russian military personnel is being felt on the ground in Ukraine: an ally of Putin was even seen in a prison recruiting criminals, reports NBC News.

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Russian oligarch Yevgueni Prigojine is considered one of the main leaders of the paramilitary group “Wagner”, a private military company providing mercenaries around the world.

A viral video has been relayed on social networks where we see Prigojine talking to a group of prisoners, gathered in an outdoor penitentiary courtyard.

In his speech, the billionaire offers them to release them from prison, only if they wish to fight in Ukraine for a period of six months. He tells them that if they desert, they will be killed on the spot.

“You will be no different from us. I’m getting you out of here alive, but you might not come back alive,” he said, in Russian.

Experts from NBC News were able to identify the location of the penitentiary. This is located in the town of Yoshkar-Ola, 800 km east of Moscow. The timing of the clip could not be authenticated.

In the past, this ally of the Russian president has denied being directly involved in the group, but the publication of this video comes to prove the contrary.

The day after the unveiling of the excerpt, he was invited to testify on a pro-Kremlin radio station.

“Wagner people are patriots who cannot allow their country to be disgraced,” he said.

Recruitment from the general population

The Russian army is ready to do anything to attract young Russians to enlist in the armed forces. Reuters reports that an incentive of nearly $3,000 per month would be offered to recruits.

This monthly salary is three times the average income of a Russian.

A mobile unit is using this tactic in a town in southern Russia, offering a flyer titled “Military service on a contract – a real man’s choice”.

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