Russia is concentrating its efforts “to capture the city of Sievierodonetsk”, says regional governor

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10:18 a.m. : Finally, the Ukrainian general staff noted this morning that the Russian army continued “its missile and air strikes throughout the territory”and had same “increased the intensity [des bombardements] using aviation to destroy critical infrastructure”. Follow our live.

10:09 : How is the situation in Ukraine? In his usual evening video message, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky noted that the military situation had not “not significantly evolved” yesterday. “The situation in the Donbass is extremely difficult”, he insisted. But the Ukrainian army “repel this offensive”, did he declare.

09:48 : Moscow now has total control of Mariupol, after the capture of the Azovstal factory by the Russian military. After the evacuation of the civilians, the more than 500 Ukrainian soldiers and militiamen who remained hidden in the undergrounds of the industrial complex surrendered. In total, according to Moscow, almost 2,500 soldiers were captured. In Ukraine, the inhabitants are worried for their fate, report our journalists on the spot.

10:14 a.m. : Here is a first point on the news of this beginning of the day:

Russia continues to shell eastern Ukraine. According to the governor of the Luhansk region“the Russians are throwing all their efforts to capture Sievierodonetsk”. “The city is being destroyed, as before they destroyed Rubizhne and Popasna”, he denounced last night. Follow our live.

Météo France has placed 13 departments on orange vigilance for storms. These are Gironde, Charente, Vienne, Haute-Vienne, Dordogne, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Corrèze, Creuse, Puy-de-Dôme, Cantal, Haute -Loire and the Loire.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne defends the pension reform project, insisting on her wish to “do not lie” to the French. “Those who would have people believe that she is not essential do not tell the truth to the French”says the head of government in The Sunday newspaper. Follow our live.

Kylian Mbappé remains at Paris Saint-Germain until 2025. PSG will on the other hand separate from its sporting director Leonardo, in office since June 14, 2019.

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