Russia fires more than a hundred missiles



Video length: 1 min

War in Ukraine: Russia fires more than a hundred missiles

On the morning of Friday, December 29, 110 missiles were fired across Ukraine by Moscow. The provisional toll numbers at least 16 dead and around a hundred injured. – (franceinfo)

On the morning of Friday, December 29, 110 missiles were fired across Ukraine by Moscow. The provisional toll numbers at least 16 dead and around a hundred injured.

Ukrainian rescuers are overwhelmed across the four corners of Ukraine, after new Russian attacks on kyiv, Odessa and Dnipro. The buildings are gutted, blown away by the power of the explosion. It was very strong. This had never happened since the start of the war. Everything was blown away, the windows were broken. There are only walls leftdeplores a resident.

Homes destroyed

In the capital, many residents took refuge in the metro, like at the start of the war almost two years ago. To the west, the city of Lviv was also affected. There are houses nearby. Nearly ten of them were destroyed, some doors and windows were blown out. Our school too. There is no more living space hereexplains Andrii Sadovyi, mayor of Lviv.

More than a hundred missiles were fired by Moscow, guided by Russian bombers and Iranian Shahed attack drones according to the Ukrainian army, which says it destroyed 114 targets out of 158, a record number according to kyiv.

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